常にこそ曇もいとえ今宵こそおもうは月の光なりけり 玄以
Tsunenikoso kumorimo itoe koyoikoso omouwa tsukino hikarinarikeri(Usually I dislike a cloudy sky tonight I realise that a cloudy sky makes me appreciate the light of the moon) - Gen-i
明治二十年 (1887)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.4×24.4糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e 35.4×24.4cm backed
1 sheet
読書の月 子路
Dokusho no tsuki - Shiro -(Reading by the moon -Zi Luo)
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.7×24糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.7×24cm,backed
1 sheet
Hototogisu nawomokumoini agurukana Yorimasa toriaezu Yumiharidukino irunimakasete(Does the cuckoo also announce its name from above the clouds? Yorimasa extemporises: I only bent my bow and the arrow shot itself)
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右衛門板 大判錦絵35.6×24.5糎 小穴 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.6×24.5cm, small hole
1 sheet
Getsumei rinka bijin majiru(In the moonlight under the trees a beautiful woman comes)
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.6×24.4糎 折れ 少しみ 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.6×24.4cm, fold,a few stains,backed
1 sheet
月宮迎 竹とり
Gekkyū no mukae - Taketori(Received back into Moon Palace -Bamboo Cutter)
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.4×24.4糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.4×24.4cm,backed
1 sheet
Gojōbashi no tsuki(Gojō Bridge moon)
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.7×24糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.7×24cm,backed
1 sheet
Godō no tsuki(Moon of enlightenment)
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.7×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.7×24.3cm,backed
1 sheet
堅田浦の月 斎藤内蔵介
Katadaura no tsuki(Katada Bay moon) -Saitō Kuranosuke
明治二十一年 (1888)
大判錦絵35×22.8糎 裏打 Ōban Nishiki-e,35×22.8cm,backed
1 sheet
志津ヶ獄月 秀吉
Shizugatake no tsuki(Shizu Peak moon) - Hideyoshi
明治二十一年刊 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.4×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.4×24.3cm, backed
1 sheet
Jōganden no tsuki(Jōganden moon) - Minamoto no Tsunemoto
明治二十一年 (1888)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.2×24.1糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.2×24.1cm, backed
1 sheet
足柄山月 義光
Ashigarayama no tsuki(Mount Ashigara moon) -Yoshimitsu
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.3×24.3糎 裏打 左縁断ち Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.3×24.3cm, backed,trimmed on left edge
1 sheet
宮路山の月 師長
Miyajiyama no tsuki(Mount Miyaji moon) - Moronaga
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.6×24.5糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.6×24.5cm, backed
1 sheet
Chiyodono ga itadaku oke no soko nukete mizu tamaraneba tsuki mo yadorazu(The bottom of the bucket which Lady Chiyo filled has fallen out the moon has no home in the water)
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵36.7×24.7糎 裏打 しみ Published by Akiyama Buemon, Ōban Nishiki-e 36.7×24.7cm, backed, stain
1 sheet
おもひきや雲ゐの秋のそらならて竹あむ窓の月を見んとは 秀次
Omoikiya kumoinoakino soranarate takeamumadono tukiwomintowa(Did I ever imagine that as the clouds of the high autumn sky cleared I would view the moon through a bamboo lattice window) -Hidetsugu
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.2×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.2×24.3cm, backed
1 sheet
月のものぐるい 文ひろげ
Tsuki no monogurui Fumihiroge(Lunacy -unrolling letters)
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右衛門板 大判錦絵37×25.1 しみ しわ Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,37×25.1cm,stain,crease
1 sheet
雨中月 児嶋高徳
Uchū no tsuki(Rainy moon) - Kojima Takanori
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.1×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.1×24.3cm, backed
1 sheet
孝子の月 小野篁
Kōshi no tsuki(Moon of the filial son) - Ono no Takamura
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵 37.1×26.3糎 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,37.1×26.3cm
1 sheet
Sekiheki no tsuki(Moon of the Red Cliffs)
明治二十二年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.2×24.1糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.2×24.1cm, backed
1 sheet
霜満軍営秋気清数行過雁月三更 謙信
Shimo gun-ei ni michi shūkikiyoshi sūgyō no hengan tsuki sankō(Frost fills the camp and the autumn air is still lines of returning geese cross the moon of the third hour) - Kenshin
明治二十三年 (1890)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.1×24.2糎 裏打 少墨汚れ Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.1×24.2cm, backed,minor sumi soiled
1 sheet
弓取の数に入るさの身となればおしまさりけり夏夜月 明石義太夫
Yumitori no kazu ni irusa no mi to nareba terimasarikeri natsu no yo no tsuki - Akashi Gidayū(As I am about to enter the ranks of those who disobey ever more brightly shines the moon of the summer night - Akashi Gidayū)
明治二十三年 (1889)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.2×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.2×24.3cm, backed
1 sheet
砧の月 夕霧
Kinuta no tsuki(Cloth-beating moon) - Yūgiri
明治二十三年刊 (1890)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦35.3×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon, Ōban Nishiki-e 35.3×24.3cm, backed
1 sheet
Hitotsuya no tsuki(Moon of the Lonely House)
明治二十三年 (1890)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.5×24.5糎 裏打 少しみ Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.5×24.5cm, backed,minor stains
1 sheet
Kintokiyama no tsuki(Moon of Kintokis mountain)
明治二十三年刊 (1890)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.2×24.3糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.2×24.3cm, backed
1 sheet
たのしみは夕顔だなのゆう涼 男はててら女はふたのして
Tanoshimi wa yūgaodana no yūsuzumi otoko wa tetera onna wa futanoshite(Pleasure is this to lie cool under the moonflower bower the man in his undeshirt, the woman in her slip)
明治二十三年 (1890)
秋山武右衛門板 大判錦絵35.5×24.6糎 裏打はがし跡 しみ 傷み 下部縁裁ち Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e,35.5×24.6cm,trace of removing backed,stain,damaged,bottom edge trimmed
1 sheet
法輪寺の月 横笛
Hōrinji no tsuki(Hōrin temple moon) -Yokobue
明治二十三年刊 (1890)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵37×25.2糎 少しみ Published by Akiyama Buemon,Ōban Nishiki-e 37×25.2cm,minor stain
1 sheet