月輝如晴雪梅花似照星可憐金鏡転庭上玉房香 菅原道真
Tsuki kagayakite seisetsu no gotoshi baika wa shūsei ni niru awaremubeshi kinkyō tenzu teijō gyokubō no kaori(The moon glimmers like bright snow and plum blossoms appear like reflected stars ah! the golden mirror of the moon passes overhead as fragrance from the jade chamber fills the garden) -Sugawara no Michizane
明治十九年 (1886)
秋山武右エ門板 大判錦絵35.7×24.5糎 裏打 Published by Akiyama Buemon, Ōban Nishiki-e 35.7×24.5cm, backed
1 sheet